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Burkert 8012流量計/寶帝8012

Burkert 8012流量計/寶帝8012

產(chǎn)品型號: 8012



簡要描述:Burkert 8012流量計/寶帝8012 The 8012 produces a programmable frequency pulse signal, proportional to the flow rate, which can easily be transmitted and processed by a Bürkert remote transmitter/controller


Burkert 8012流量計/寶帝8012 The 8012 produces a programmable frequency pulse signal, proportional to the flow rate, which can easily be transmitted and processed by a Bürkert remote transmitter/controller, Burkert 8012流量計/寶帝8012 or a programmable switch output or a 4...20 mA signal.

The flowmeter 8012 is built up with an electronic module and a measurement paddle wheel associated to a fitting. This connection is made by means of screws.  The electronic module SE12 is equipped with 2 indicator LEDs, visible by transparency under the fixed connector (standard).  When the device is energized, the green indicator LED lights up and then flashes proportionally to the rotation frequency of the paddle wheel. The switch on of the red indicator LED indicates a malfunction of the device 


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